Official Poker Rules

Poker is a card game where players compete to make the best poker hand. It’s a game of chance, but it also has a great deal of skill that is required to win, especially when betting.

The rules of poker have become more complex as the game has spread around the world. As a result, there is a growing need to standardize the rules of poker.

There is an organization that manages these rules called the professional Tournament Directors Association (TDA). This group has a membership of managers at large live-poker rooms, circuits, poker leagues and independent tournaments.

They meet every two years to review the rules and reform them as needed.

The TDA has 81 official poker rules that are used in most major tournaments worldwide. These rules are published on their website and can be downloaded for free.

Betting Terms

The term “bet” in official poker refers to a player’s first contribution to the pot, called an ante. This initial contribution is usually equal to the amount of chips that each player has in his or her stack.

Players may not bet or raise more than the maximum amount allowed by the rules of the particular game. In some games, this cap is limited by the number of players, and in others it is unlimited.


A player’s folded hand is considered dead, and no player can call it. This rule is intended to discourage players from folding hands they may have a chance to improve.